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04 May, 2024

National Children's Day-2024

National Children's Day-2024

17 Mar, 2024
BCS Office

Hon'ble BCS Members,

On occasion of the birthday of Bangabandhu Sheikh...



24 Nov, 2023
Bangladesh Computer...

Date: 24-25 November, 2023 (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM).
Requirements: At...

BCS AGM-2021 & 2022

BCS AGM-2021 & 2022

17 Nov, 2023
Bangladesh Computer...


BCS AGM Notice


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BCS Election 2023 Tafsil

BCS Election 2023 Tafsil

16 Nov, 2023
Bangladesh Computer...

BCS Election 2023 Tafsil



Message from President

Warm greetings to the dynamic community of the Bangladesh Computer Society! As the newly elected President of the Bangladesh Computer Society, I'm honoured to step into this role, keenly aware of the responsibilities it entails. Since the establishment in 1979 Bangladesh Computer Society has been a pillar for the ICT professionals in Bangladesh, fostering professional advancement and acting as an important professional body in our progression towards technological innovation and enhanced ICT capabilities across the nation. In this era of unprecedented technological evolution, the value of our ICT community is more critical than ever. Our collective knowledge, inventive spirit, and strategic foresight are indispensable as we steer through the complexities of this digital transformation. The Bangladesh Computer Society is more devoted than ever to spearheading this journey. With a commitment to launching pioneering initiatives, fostering collaborations, and embracing cutting-edge technologies, Bangladesh Computer Society aims to lead by examples in innovation and ICT excellence. Together, our shared knowledge, creativity, and vision are essential for mastering the challenges of this digital upheaval. In the coming years, we are rolling out an array of events and initiatives aimed at bolstering our community's skills, knowledge, and opportunities. Our agenda includes insightful conferences, hands-on workshops, extensive professional training, ICT Expo, and targeted career development programs, among other activities. These efforts are designed to not only enhance our professional capacities but also to foster a vibrant ecosystem of innovation and collaboration within our sector. Our mission is clear: to build a strong, dynamic ICT sector that is at the heart of a smart Bangladesh. Achieving this goal requires the active engagement and contribution of every member of our community. I urge you to join us in these exciting endeavours, to share your expertise, and to help shape the future of ICT in our country. Let's unite to propel Bangladesh Computer Society to new heights, making it a symbol of excellence in ICT both locally and globally. Your participation, ideas, and support are vital as we embark on this journey to harness technology for the betterment of society and ensure the fruits of the digital age are accessible to all across Bangladesh. Thank you for your dedication to our profession and to Bangladesh Computer Society. I look forward to collaborating with each of you to fulfil our collective aspirations and to further elevate the stature of BCS in the years to come.

Read more Prof. Dr. Engr. Mohammad Shamsul Arefin

Message from Secretary General

As we embark on the journey towards achieving the vision of a SMART Bangladesh by 2041, it is imperative that we, as members of the Bangladesh Computer Society, unite our efforts and resources towards this noble cause. In line with the Prime Minister's declaration and our national aspirations, it is our duty and privilege to contribute to the realization of this vision. The concept of a SMART Bangladesh envisions a nation that is technologically advanced, digitally inclusive, and economically prosperous. It is a vision where technology serves as the catalyst for innovation, growth, and sustainable development across all sectors of our organization. As the Secretary General of the Bangladesh Computer Society, I urge each and every one of you to align your work and initiatives with this overarching goal. Let us leverage our collective expertise, innovation, and passion for technology to drive meaningful change and progress. In our journey towards shaping the future of our nation's technological landscape, each one of you plays an indispensable role. Our organization, stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of technology and computing. Our collective mission is not merely to exist but to thrive, to grow, and to evolve. Today, we extend a call to action to each and every member of our esteemed society to join hands in building a stronger, more vibrant Bangladesh Computer Society. Building our organization is not solely about infrastructure or numbers; it's about fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity. It's about nurturing talent, empowering individuals, and creating opportunities for growth and development. Together, we have the power to shape the future of technology in Bangladesh and beyond. Let us stand united in our shared vision. Collaboration among members, chapters, and committees is essential for our collective growth and success. We need to embrace opportunities to share our knowledge and expertise with fellow members. Likewise, be open to learning from others. Our strength lies in our collective wisdom. We have to engage in activities, events, and initiatives; dare to innovate and think outside the box; extend the reach of Society beyond our membership; engage with the wider community, promote technological literacy, and inspire the next generation of tech enthusiasts. Together, let us build our Bangladesh Computer Society that is not just an organization but a movement towards excellence, progress, and societal transformation through technology.

Read more Alin Boby